


(Prints & more)

Transgressor Zine

Transgressor is a webzine project that focus on women in underground extreme metal scene. Created by Apocalypticbell in the autumn of 2020.

By talking to female artists through interviewing, this project aims to build a freer space for them to reflect on their journeys and share insights. As a DIY project by the creator, a visual artist and researcher, this webzine is also a experiment field of fanzine editorial with the methods of collage and interaction design.
The first volumne, featuring artists from Ritual Moon, Konvent and Détente etc, explored the female’s great trade-off between standing out and fitting in this male-dominated scene. How do they become musicians and what strategies do they employ when facing this trade-off?

To read ︎︎︎ transgressorthezine.com

Second volume is on its way...
